Debate Team stands ground against high school novices

Debate Team stands ground against  high school novices


FCMS first Speech and Debate Tournament was held Saturday, September 26, was a success! Out of 28 students who participated, 12 placed in the top 6 of their event. Some participants even went against high school novices!!

FCMS Debate Team is coached by Jennifer Dailey. “
Sahana Saravanan- Declamation
Drew Bank- Declamation
Anjali Mettai- Declamation
Harshita Chintapudi- Declamation
Sofia Garcia Apraiz- Informative Speaking
Sivan Levy- Informative Speaking
Aadish Kacchal- Impromptu Speaking AND Original Oratory
Roshini Shivakumar- Impromptu Speaking
Advika Verma- Original Oratory
Sania Shah- Original Oratory
Vyom Mishra- Congressional Debate
Elizabeth Xiao- Congressional Debate
“The virtual speech and debate tournaments this year have worked wonderfully. Obviously, there’s nothing that can recreate the energy students feel at a live tournament, but we have been doing the best we can and continue to do well in the tournaments.” says Jennifer Dailey, the Speech and Debate coach.