FCMS Cross Country

FCMS Cross Country Team!

Shaivi Jhaveri

Falcon Cove’s Cross Country team is back and ready to run! After the cancellation of the last season, the athletes are eager to return to the sport.

Falcon Cove has participated in 2 meets, or competitions, so far. Both of which have taken place at Markham Park.

Justin Xia explains the different feelings he goes through during the meets. “I think everyone’s nervous before a run because we are all under really high pressure. Everyone is getting sweaty palms and feels like they need to go to the bathroom. [But], after the run you feel like the happiest person in the world”, Xia explains.

Eighth-grader Daniel Alldredge had a similar experience. “I felt nervous [at first], but I knew that I could do good and it made me excited for the race. After, I felt glad that I could get the run done because I was super tired, but I felt good”, he states.

The Cross Country athletes are training hard during their practices to prepare for their upcoming meets. 

Eight grader Isaiah Chung describes the challenges of running long distances and how he overcomes them. “When it comes to long-distance running, it can be quite difficult. I keep motivated because running is one of the things I’m good at. My family motivates me, as well as my coach. [Some] techniques I use [include] keeping my pace for half of the time, [and] increasing my pace for the second half”, he says.

Not only are our Falcons exceptional athletes, but also admirable team players. They keep everyone motivated and going while running and help out the other runners on the team.

Dmitrii Berezin explains how the team lifts one another, “We have been taught that we need to motivate our teammates. So, if we pass a teammate we will congratulate them and tell them if someone is catching up to them.”

The Cross Country boys and girls have done outstanding in their meets. Congratulations to our female athletes Ella Collins, Olivia Morabito, and Zena Charton-Law for a spectacular second-place win! And a round of applause to the boys, Dmitri Berezin, Justin Xia, Daniel Alldredge, and Isaiah Chung for their extravagant performance and a first-place win!

Running 2 miles continuously is no easy task, but if anyone can do it, it is our amazing athletes at Falcon Cove! We wish the best to our Cross Country team for their upcoming County Championship on Thursday!