Peer Counselors Take A Trip To Elementary Schools
April 22, 2022
Peer counseling students take a trip back to elementary schools to inform 5th grade students about the middle school experience. Peer counselors are going to Gator Run, Manatee Bay, and Everglades Elementary. This really helps students have a better idea of what Falcon Cove is all about and answer any questions students may have.
Middle school is a substantial change from elementary school, and it really helps for peer counseling students to help students who are anxious about coming to Falcon Cove. Peer counselors gave them tips for navigating middle school.
“I think that they felt better after us going to their school because we were able to answer all the questions about middle school. I feel that these students felt more relieved about transitioning to Falcon Cove. Also, it might have made them feel more prepared about the upcoming school year.” Bella Molina, 8
They had the choice of whether they went to the schools and they got to choose which school to attend. These students have different opinions on whether this is a good idea or not.
“Yes [I think this a clever idea], because it is a good opportunity for Peer Counselors to help elementary kids coming into middle school.” Says Peer Counselor Alessia Hategan, 8. “Also, it is a good idea because we are giving advice to prepare them for the future. It feels good that I am helping them to get ready for a bigger environment.”
Peer counselors informed 5th grade students on topics like clubs, electives, and the Falcon atmosphere. This will help students adjust to middle school. Peer counselors shared a PowerPoint with the classes to give 5th graders a better meaning of middle school.
“We went over the PowerPoint that Mrs. Harvey sent the teachers. The PowerPoint included survival tips, bus information, and the variety of electives to choose from. We also talked about how ids are now mandatory.” Says Emily Guerrero, 8. “Also we discussed how lunches are at different times depending on your 2nd or 6th period teacher.”
Students also got a chance to ask questions and got a deeper look into middle school. Because students have more information and fewer questions going into middle school, it will hopefully lead to a great middle school experience!
“Students frequently asked questions like how many classes we have per day and if there are bathrooms in the classroom. They also asked about homework and how the teachers were here at Falcon Cove.” Gabriela Espitia, 8
Students also got the chance to visit their old teachers. This was extremely exciting for peer counseling students because they will be going to high school and will have one more opportunity to reconnect with their teachers from previous years.
“It felt exciting to be able to see my old teachers and have lunch with my principal. It was shocking to see all the changes that were made in the school and a lot of teachers we had left.” Javiera Madrid, 8